1. Ponyboy is in a social group called the
greasers. Being the youngest, he was similar to the other members of the group because he wanted to look and act tough, and he would stick out for the others. He rarely bothered to get a haircut, dressed in blue jeans and T-shirts, smoked, and considered the others as family. He was different from the others because he liked to read books and watch movies, he didn't steal things, didn't have gang fights or jump people, wouldn't hurt anyone and tried his best to stay out of trouble.

2. Ponyboy's family includes his parents, who had past away from a car accident, his two older brothers named Sodapop (Soda) and Darry (Darrel), and himself. Darry was the oldest brother who was hard, firm, tall, and muscular with dark brown hair. He worked very hard, handling two jobs and always standing up for his younger brothers, as well as taking good care of them. Ponyboy's relationship with Darry was not all good. Darry treated him like he was 6 instead of 14, he hollered at him, and would kill him if he got into any sort of trouble. Pony didn't really like Darry much at all. Soda on the other hand was the handsome one who got all the girls. He was almost 17-years-old, not as tall as Darry, but slimmer. He had dark-gold hair and dark-brown eyes like his fathers. He could always put a grin on your face, dropped out of school, had a girlfriend named Sandy, and was liked by everyone. His relationship with Pony was very strong. He always protected him when Darry got mad, he understood Ponyboy, constantly put a smile on his face, always took him with the gang when they went places, didn't treat him like a kid, and always stood up for him like a best friend. Ponyboy had never loved anyone as much as he loved Soda.
3. The other members of the greasers include:
Steve Randal- who is 17-years-old, tall and lean, with thick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated swirls. He was cocky, smart, and Soda's best buddy since grade school.
Two-Bit Mathews- who was the oldest of the greasers, about six feet tall, stocky in build, and very proud of his long rusty-colored side burns. He also had grey eyes and a wide grin.
Dallas Winston (Dally)- who had an elfish face, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, small sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx. His hair was extremely blonde, which curled behind his ears and his eyes were blue like blazing ice.
Johnny Cade- who looked like a little dark puppy that had been kicked too many times and lost in a crowd of strangers. He was the second youngest with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face, his hair was jet-black and heavily greased, and his eyes were suspicious and nervous looking.
4. When Cherry said, "Things are rough all over," I think she meant that where ever you go, who every you hang out with, there are always downsides. There are always going to be rough things and rough people, everyone has problems no matter which class you come from.
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