Monday, April 21, 2014

Chapter 3/4 Point of View Piece

Bob's point of view...

We dropped Cherry and Marcia off and headed straight to look for those greasers. They aren't going to get away with this one so easily. We are driving around and circling a park. I am seeing two boys. I know it is them because of what they are wearing. We got out of the car and are walking towards them, thinking of ways to punish them. I see the fountain and decide on what I'm going to do. 

"Hey, whatta ya know? Here’s the little greasers that picked up our girls," I was saying. Johnny is looking at me and says, "you'd better watch it." He thinks he's so tough, hey? I'm starting to mock them, I say "you know what a greaser is? White trash with long hair." Johnny wouldn't hurt any body, and the other one looks scared and dirty, I was thinking. I'm going to target the scared one first since Johnny is easy to handle.

“You could use a bath, greaser.” He tried to run so I’m grabbing him and starting to push his head in the ice-cold water. He is struggling but I’m stronger and tougher than him. All of a sudden, I’m feeling this painful blade, digging into my back and immediately turned around. I'm seeing Johnny holding a switchblade. I’m falling onto the ground in disbelief, thinking of how Johnny could have stabbed me, and how the others could have just run away, leaving me here to die. I look up in the sky, seeing the bright moon shining in the dark, cold night. I'm thinking of my family, and Cherry. I am hoping that she won't end up with a greaser, and my family, they would be worried sick about me.

I underestimated these little greasers and are hoping they would forgive me and take me to get some help. But they weren't. I slowly closed my eyes, feeling the hard ground below me, and cold wind flowing past my bleeding body. I am now in peace and can here nothing but my heart beat. Every thing is fading away and I’m lying here, in peace and quite.

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