Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chapters 9 and 10 Quote Analysis

“I’m a grease, same as Dally. He’s my buddy.” -Ponyboy (p.23)

Ponyboy says this about Dally while talking to Cherry. They were sitting down watching a movie 
when Cherry says, "What's a nice, smart kid like you running around with trash like that for?" referring to Dallas. Ponyboy instantly replies saying that they're both greasers.

What Ponyboy really meant by this quote is that Dally and him are from the same group, the greasers. Greasers stand up for each other and even though Dallas can be rough and mean, the gang always sticks together.

This quote tells us that Ponyboy is loyal to all the greasers. It tells us that he doesn't care what people think of them and even though Pony doesn't really like Dallas, he still calls him his "buddy" because he to is part of the greasers, and no one from the gang gets left out.

“All Socs aren’t like that…That’s like saying all you greasers are like Dallas Winston.” -Cherry (p.34)

Cherry explains this to Ponyboy while waiting inline to get some popcorn. She says this because Ponyboy had just explained to her about how bad the Socs beat up Johnny. She thinks that it makes all Socs look bad and is trying to explain that their not.

What Cherry means when she says "all Socs aren't like that," is that just because a few of them beat up a guy, it doesn't make the rest of them bad like that. She explains that everyone has his or her own personality and you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

What this quote tells us about Cherry is that she is protective of what she has. She sees some things in a different way than others do and she is defending her thoughts. She is caring and she would like others to see things from her point of view.

“It seemed funny to me that Socs- if these girls were any example- were just like us.” -Ponyboy (p.37)

Ponyboy says this because he is finally realizing that even if you're from an opposite group, it doesn't mean that everyone has different interests. He thinks this to himself while walking to Two-Bit's house to pick up his car.

What Ponyboy really meant by this quote is that even if you should be different and you think that you different from another group, it doesn't mean that you have completely different thoughts and interests.

This quote tells us that Ponyboy is starting to become open-minded and is seeing things from a different perspective. Hanging out with these girl Socs, he is realizing that people can be the same, even though they might look and seem different, not every Soc is as bad as you may think. People can have the same thoughts no matter who it might be.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Chapter 5/6 Poem analysis

“Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.”

I think that this poem is explaining that nothing is perfect forever. It describes that even though at first it might seem perfect, things can change very quickly. Happiness doesn't last forever, as sad as it sounds, it's true. "Nothing gold can stay," pretty much means happiness doesn't always last forever. This poem also relates to your childhood when it says "Her early leaf’s a flower," and how we were once innocent, but now are different. I believe that when you are little you see the world differently from elders who are wiser, yet, even though you may be wise now, you will soon die. This poem also mentioned the word Eden that was the garden in which God had given Adam and Eve. When they were poisoned by it, the garden died away. It is quiet a sad poem, but somehow reflective and intelligent. It also relates to this book "The Outsiders."

This poem relates to this book because, as it explains, Ponyboy had a great life when he was little, although, many things changed very quickly. His parents died and he's left with his brothers. In one moment he is having a great time with his friends and the girls watching a movie, and then a few hours later he finds himself running away from home, nearly drowning, lying next to Bob's dead body, and hiding away in a church form a murder scene. These examples relate to this poem very well because, you could describe Pony's situation and say, 'nothing gold can stay'. It also relates to the other greasers because they were all young once, innocent and kind. But know they are all grown up and don't care if they do bad things, nor get into all sorts of trouble. Like the poem explains, "Her early leaf’s a flower… Nothing gold can stay."

Monday, April 21, 2014

Chapter 3/4 Point of View Piece

Bob's point of view...

We dropped Cherry and Marcia off and headed straight to look for those greasers. They aren't going to get away with this one so easily. We are driving around and circling a park. I am seeing two boys. I know it is them because of what they are wearing. We got out of the car and are walking towards them, thinking of ways to punish them. I see the fountain and decide on what I'm going to do. 

"Hey, whatta ya know? Here’s the little greasers that picked up our girls," I was saying. Johnny is looking at me and says, "you'd better watch it." He thinks he's so tough, hey? I'm starting to mock them, I say "you know what a greaser is? White trash with long hair." Johnny wouldn't hurt any body, and the other one looks scared and dirty, I was thinking. I'm going to target the scared one first since Johnny is easy to handle.

“You could use a bath, greaser.” He tried to run so I’m grabbing him and starting to push his head in the ice-cold water. He is struggling but I’m stronger and tougher than him. All of a sudden, I’m feeling this painful blade, digging into my back and immediately turned around. I'm seeing Johnny holding a switchblade. I’m falling onto the ground in disbelief, thinking of how Johnny could have stabbed me, and how the others could have just run away, leaving me here to die. I look up in the sky, seeing the bright moon shining in the dark, cold night. I'm thinking of my family, and Cherry. I am hoping that she won't end up with a greaser, and my family, they would be worried sick about me.

I underestimated these little greasers and are hoping they would forgive me and take me to get some help. But they weren't. I slowly closed my eyes, feeling the hard ground below me, and cold wind flowing past my bleeding body. I am now in peace and can here nothing but my heart beat. Every thing is fading away and I’m lying here, in peace and quite.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chapters 1/2 Questions

1. Ponyboy is in a social group called the greasers. Being the youngest, he was similar to the other members of the group because he wanted to look and act tough, and he would stick out for the others. He rarely bothered to get a haircut, dressed in blue jeans and T-shirts, smoked, and considered the others as family. He was different from the others because he liked to read books and watch movies, he didn't steal things, didn't have gang fights or jump people, wouldn't hurt anyone and tried his best to stay out of trouble.

2. Ponyboy's family includes his parents, who had past away from a car accident, his two older brothers named Sodapop (Soda) and Darry (Darrel), and himself. Darry was the oldest brother who was hard, firm, tall, and muscular with dark brown hair. He worked very hard, handling two jobs and always standing up for his younger brothers, as well as taking good care of them. Ponyboy's relationship with Darry was not all good. Darry treated him like he was 6 instead of 14, he hollered at him, and would kill him if he got into any sort of trouble. Pony didn't really like Darry much at all. Soda on the other hand was the handsome one who got all the girls. He was almost 17-years-old, not as tall as Darry, but slimmer. He had dark-gold hair and dark-brown eyes like his fathers. He could always put a grin on your face, dropped out of school, had a girlfriend named Sandy, and was liked by everyone. His relationship with Pony was very strong. He always protected him when Darry got mad, he understood Ponyboy, constantly put a smile on his face, always took him with the gang when they went places, didn't treat him like a kid, and always stood up for him like a best friend. Ponyboy had never loved anyone as much as he loved Soda.

3. The other members of the greasers include:

Steve Randal- who is 17-years-old, tall and lean, with thick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated swirls. He was cocky, smart, and Soda's best buddy since grade school.
Two-Bit Mathews- who was the oldest of the greasers, about six feet tall, stocky in build, and very proud of his long rusty-colored side burns. He also had grey eyes and a wide grin.

Dallas Winston (Dally)- who had an elfish face, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, small sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx. His hair was extremely blonde, which curled behind his ears and his eyes were blue like blazing ice.

Johnny Cade- who looked like a little dark puppy that had been kicked too many times and lost in a crowd of strangers. He was the second youngest with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face, his hair was jet-black and heavily greased, and his eyes were suspicious and nervous looking.

4. When Cherry said, "Things are rough all over," I think she meant that where ever you go, who every you hang out with, there are always downsides. There are always going to be rough things and rough people, everyone has problems no matter which class you come from.

Monday, April 14, 2014

First Impression

My first impression of this story was good and interesting.
I loved how it was dated back to the 1950-60's because it demonstrates a good explanation about how life was all those years ago. I think that the setting is perfect for the story line and how they describe it quite well. I think that the characters are interesting and they match the settings of the book. They all have different personalities, but slightly similar, and I think that they make the story interesting. The main 3 brothers are quite different and they are all by themselves because their parents had passed away. Although, i think the most interesting character is Johnny. He has a rough life and had been through a lot. All of the greasers stick up for each other and protect every member.

Since we have only read the 1st and 2nd chapters, I don't think that I can predict much of the plot or ending, although, i predict that one or more of the greasers are going to get hurt/ injured badly since they get into many fights. I think that Darry is not going to be so hard on everyone, especially to Ponyboy, and I think that Soda might go back to school and marry Sandy.

The factors that indicate the time and setting of the story include the way the characters talk, the way that they dress, how easy it is to get into fights, the importance of going somewhere (such as the movies), and the way that the boys look. All of these examples indicate that the movie was set in the 1950-60's somewhere in America.